Friday, September 09, 2005

So what's going to be with religious Zionism now? Let's take a step back and ask some obvious questions that have been ignored.

I've mentioned in the past that I find the use of Nazi symbolism by opponents of the expulsion from Azza to be revolting. But what's it really all about (and why does something deep inside me empathize)? And for that matter, what about all those mean-spirited self-righteous articles arguing that the victims (truly salt-of-the-earth decent people, if ever there were any) had it coming?

To understand the sub-text here, you first have to appreciate that millions of Jews who find the thought of throwing hostile Arabs out of their villages morally repugnant, find the thought of throwing Jews out of their villages perfectly reasonable, even virtuous. All the sophistry that draws bogus distinctions can easily be dismissed. The real point is that Jews can tell anti-semitic jokes, blacks can tell racist jokes, etc. So, too, the unstated argument goes, Jews can expel Jews. It's all in the family. Members of the family can take liberties with each other.

The message in the yellow (orange) star, in the slogan "A Jew doesn't expel a Jew", and a host of other images that many found offensive was this: You people are not Jewish enough to be taking such liberties. You have other loyalties. We, not you, will bear the consequences of what you are doing. We view it as an act of hostility, not a liberty taken by brothers.

The "you have it coming" response was of the you-want-hostility-we'll give-you-hostility variety. And the settler-hugging-soldiers response was of the but-we're-brothers-after-all variety.

So are we brothers after all? Can we continue the struggle for a sort-of-Jewish state together? Honestly, no. Not the way it's been. Something very significant snapped and it will never be the same. In some ways, it might actually get better. (But it's almost Shabbos, so I'll explain why in my next post.)


Blogger bar_kochba132 said...

According to what I read in Makor Rishon, soldiers were told to pretend to cry on cue in order to weaken the resolve of those resisting expulsion. Frankly, it makes me ill when I hear about people hugging those carrying out an immoral act.
I agree with you that it is hard to view "brotherhood" with the modern Israeli version of the "Yevsektsia", the Jewish branch of the Communist party of the USSR who in the 1920's and 30's mercilessly tracked down Jews who were trying secretly to observe the Torah and sent them to the GULAG (okay, the modern Israel anti-religious aren't doing that, but Leon Westelier doesn't seem to be too far from it-I have heard Jews expressing joy at the news of terrorist attacks saying the victims "had it coming"). This is one of the things I am having the most difficulty with...determining my relationship with this element.

12:25 PM  

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