Friday, June 11, 2004

A very fine (Hebrew) article by Amnon Bazak inspires me to lay it all out on the whole political-security issue. Even though it looks a bit schoolmarmy to me, I'll number the main points:

Point 1: The Arabs want us all dead. This has nothing to do with occupation or lack of manners. They just want us dead.

Point 2: Lots of Jews (let's call them "deniers") have a vested interest in denying Point 1. A few are professional makhers, diplomats or academics who need to assume that the problem they are trying to solve is solvable or they wouldn't have much to do. Others don't find being Jewish very significant and would like to just be like everybody else. It's hard to do this while acknowledging that millions of people consider your Jewishness significant enough to want to kill you for it.

Point 3: Although it is often said that "the whole world is against us" is a cliche of Zionism, the opposite is true. The core of Zionism was the desire to be like everybody else and the assumption that we could be. As a result, the Zionist elite who have traditionally run the country regardless of elections are deniers. This leads them to pursue manifestly destructive policies.

Point 4: Since deep issues of identity are at stake, the deniers are prepared to rig centers of power (courts, press, security) to retain their hegemony. See my post of this past Monday.

Point 5: All the above notwithstanding, the right ought to pursue prudent political policies. This means that we ought not assume that the state is indestructible because we are worthy of divine intervention. That is arrogance. We ought not assume that maximal borders are optimal borders. That is simple-mindedness. We ought not to do things just because it pisses off the left. That is spitefulness.

Point 6: What the right must do is keep its eye on the long-term objective which is to defeat those who wish to destroy us. We need to slowly cultivate social, economic and political conditions which will make victory possible. The algorithm for doing so is not necessarily a greedy one. It might require apparent steps backwards to get where we wish to go.

Point 7: Two necessary steps in the above algorithm are:
1. changing the way critical appointments are made so that the monopoly of the deniers on certain state organs (courts, press, security) is broken
2. developing a leadership mentality so that the right thinks in terms of long-term objectives rather than simply reacting to the deniers' bumbling
For now, I'm copping out on the rest of the steps but I'll get back to this.

I don't know of any organized political groups in Israel that grasp all of the above points. The closest is Manhigut Yehudit, which gets most of it but has some problems with parts of Point 5 and the end of Point 6. Nobody's perfect.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Clap... clap... clap

Well said. The very sanity of your points is why they will never be undersood by those who are 'active' on either the right or the left.

Maybe you need to get a few poeple together and try to raise Tehiyah (sp?) from the dead.

Shabbat Shalom


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