Monday, December 25, 2006

Another wild day in vaadat chukah today. Never before have I seen one politician do so much damage to his own constituents' interests as I did today. The discussion was about the definition of the state. The alternatives were to bury the Jewish character of the state in the useless "Jewish and democratic" formulation or to include a strong separate Jewish clause.

We had lined up the Kadimah, Labor and Likud people behind the strong version. Things were going well. Which idiot torpedoed the whole thing? YL, the representative of Mafdal-Ichud Leumi!

Why, you might ask? A combination of warped ideology and personal vanity.

First, he did not want to separate the words "Jewish" and "democratic" because his conception of the state involves intertwining Jewishness and democracy as a matter of principle. Whatever the hell that means. Second, he was duped into supporting Basic Law: Dignity and Freedom of Man back in 1992. That law has proved to be an unmitigated disaster. So YL has begun acting like the Woody Allen character who, having fallen into the orchestra pit at the theater, repeats the performance for thirty consecutive nights so as not to let on it was an accident. He now wants to enshrine the language of that law in the opening chapter of the constitution so as not to let on that he was played for the fool in 1992.

If you voted for Mafdal-Ichud Leumi thinking that you were advancing the cause of a Jewish State, you wuz robbed. When the chips are down, you are being represented by someone of extremely limited intellect.


Blogger Ben Bayit said...

Could be. But isn't it obvious by now that the Kadima, Likud, Labor et al people are USING types such as Levy, Orlev and Yahalom et al for their own benefit. They are just singing mah yafis at the poritz - that's all. True they are a bit warped, but I see them more as "victims" or at best "enablers". No, the source of the problem lies deeper than who the Modern orthodox community sends to represent it in the knesset.

Such a "strong" change would have NEVER made it into the final version. Like I said, the Jewish-Democratic construct of the Basic Laws has served Barak & Co. well, and it will be a snowy day in hell before this gets changed anytime soon - or before a final "complete" constitution is ratified.

12:18 PM  
Blogger Sharvul said...

It's a catch-22. If you voted for Mafdal-Ichud Leumi, you are someone with extremely limited intellect in the first place. Therefore, you would scarcely notice that you were being represented by someone of extremely limited intellect...

12:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which party do you geniuses propose that those of us with extremely limited intellect should have voted for instead of Ichu Leumi-Mafdal?

2:46 PM  
Blogger Ben said...

Pick your fight with Sharvul, who deserves your sarcasm. My intention is not to denigrate or blame Mafdal-IL voters, who certainly deserve better and with whom I identify. I'm simply alerting you to the unfortunate facts. I really don't know what to tell you about alternatives.

4:09 PM  
Blogger bar_kochba132 said...

This reminds me of an incident several years ago when Benny Elon (then in Moledet) tried to get a bill passed that would eliminate the television tax and put Israel TV on a pure commercial basis. Thus, we would not have our tax money used to pay post-Zionists like Haim Yavin and the rest of the gang down there. Guess who torpedoed it...again, you guessed it...the MAFDAL! Since channel 2 is already on a commercial basis, the Israeli TV viewer is already bombarded with pornographic ads pushing people to buy useless junk, so having channel 1 go commercial wouldn't really change anything in Israeli society. Ben Bayit's idea of the oligarchs using the MAFDAL-Ihud Leumi to get rid of undesirable things that they themselves oppose is interesting but rather Machiavellian. If they oppose a strong Jewish plank in the consitution, why don't they just come out and say so?
I considered voting for Ihud Leumi up until the merger with the MAFDAL, so my final decision rested between not voting at all or voting for a party I knew would not pass the ahuz hahasima (electoral threshold) which is what I did in the end. You make me glad that I made the right decision, not to support those fools.
Today, in Israel, it is not only the National Religous camp, but a clear majority of the population that feels totally disenfranchised politically, with none of the parties representing their beliefs and interests. However, the population is totally passive, accepting all the garbage thrown at us without any complaint. Such disenfranchisement is usually considered to be a dangerous situation, but the Jews seem like they want to just lie down and give up. HELP!

4:37 PM  

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